NBA Picks | Today's Best NBA Predictions

Get the best NBA betting picks from our expert handicappers who all put time and research into their picks.

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Experts are OLBG tipsters with high strike rates, current month or 6 month profitability for a particular sport.

Best NBA Betting Picks

You may be asking 'who will win tonight's NBA games?' Well, our handicappers have you covered! Above you can find all of the upcoming basketball events which currently have picks. Whether it be single games or outright competitions you can find them above. For each event, the most tipped outcome will be highlighted. These can come from any of the markets so the market is also highlighted.

As well as the pick you can see how many touts have tipped this outcome compared to the total number of picks on the market. The current best odds are also displayed as well as the option to add that pick into your betslip. To view the event overall simply click on the event name and you will be taken to the event page.

Here you are given the 'Most Popular NBA Pick' as well as the 'Best NBA Handicapper Pick', this is the tout showing the best annual profit. You can then view the three markets for the event as highlighted above. You can see how many handicappers have tipped each outcome. Furthermore, you can read their detailed analysis of why they have tipped that outcome.

Finally, each handicappers who has touted the event is highlighted along with the performance figures for basketball handicapping. Before deciding on your NBA predictions why not check our guide to A Profitable NBA System Backing A Winning Streak?

Against The Spread Betting in the NBA

Against the Spread betting or also known as the abbreviation ATS is the NBA equivalent to the Run Line in the MLB or the Puck Line in the NHL where it involves a handicapped line.

Rules can differ from sportsbook to sportsbook especially when it comes to games being played internationally so please make sure you check your sportsbook to see whether or not overtime points are included.

The favorite in the game will be given a deficit to makeup whilst the underdogs will be given a lead to defend and depending on the line there could be 2 or 3 possible outcomes.

For example, let's say the one line is Boston Celtics -5.50, if wagering on that line then the Celtics would have to win by at least 6 points for the wager to be successful.

The other side of that line could be, for example, Milwaukee Bucks +5.50 because they are the underdogs they are given a headstart so as long as they don't lose by 6+ points then that bet would be successful.

The other option which may come up from time to time is when a line is a whole number, for example, Boston Celtics -5 & Milwaukee Bucks +5 which would mean if the Celtics won by 5 then neither would be successful and the bet would be a Push.

This market is most used when you think the money line odds are a bit on the short side and you think the team can cover the handicap because you will get better odds for this market than the money line because of the greater risk.

If you like a wager on the Games Totals Spread then take a look at our Do Most NBA Games Go Over or Under? article.

How often do Favorites win in NBA?

If you like a wager or two on the NBA then check out our Best Basketball Betting Sites article to see if you are using the best sportsbooks for your NBA wagers.

On average based on the last five seasons in the NBA, the favourites when playing at home win in 68.5% of their games and when the favourite is on the road they have a 63.9% win percentage.

In terms of which teams perform best when favourites at home, the top performing team are the 76ers with 79% (132-167) who are followed by the Buck with 78.5% (146-186) and the Nuggets with 77.1% (131-170).

On the road, the top team is the Pistons with 75% (15-20) and with the Hornets the next best with 71.4% (25-35).

SeasonHome FavsAway Favs
2018-19.703 (565-804).616 (262-425)
2019-20.675 (448-664).654 (257-393)
2020-21.679 (416-613).634 (296-467)
2021-22.678 (519-766).679 (313-461)
2022-23.689 (543-788).612 (270-441)
Overall.685 (2491-3635).639 (1398-2187)
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